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Stay ahead of rapid storage growth driven by new data sources and evolving technologies with the IBM Cloud Storage family — a flexible storage approach Whether looking for stand-alone or secondary storage for a server, an out-of-the-box storage solution or the components to create your own storage solution, IBM has the cloud storage resources you need. Object storage Organize, store, manage and access a diverse array of objects — audio, emails, images, office documents and video — with a highly scalable and geographically-dispersed storage solution based on OpenStack Swift or S3-compatible interfaces. Capitalize on flexible pricing and get the capacity you need, when and where you need it. Block storage Exercise complete control over persistent storage using iSCSI-based block storage with up to 12 TB of capacity. Customize the storage environment to suit your workloads. Choose Endurance block storage with snapshot and replication capabilities or Performance block storage with up to 6,000 allocated IOPS per volume. File storage Upgrade your file storage with a high-performance, feature-rich, NFS-based solution. With file-share capacities available up to 12 TB, IBM Cloud file storage can be provisioned with snapshot and replication support or with unparalleled IOPS allocations to meet the performance needs of even the most demanding workloads. Mass storage servers Build your own SAN or NAS to preserve large volumes of persistent data while retaining total control. Deploy an OS NEXUS QuantaStor turnkey solution, or customize high-capacity bare metal servers to fit your requirements. Content delivery network Distribute your content from 24 geographically-diverse nodes to provide an exceptional, responsive end-user experience. After the first request, content is stored in the network for others to access. You pay only for the bandwidth used.